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the Calendar had it wrong

I know that when I checked my email, my Facebook, my phone, my text messages, my work email, and my work calendar that they all say today is Tuesday.  However, based on the first three hours of my morning, I declare them all to be wrong.  I must attest, it has certainly been Monday so far.

I woke up exhausted.  That really shouldn't happen.  I don't know if it's allergies, the impending move, fall tax season, or something else.  I'm just tired.  That thing that some of you are thinking it is, it's not.  She came last week.

The morning can only get better when your two year old wakes up on the wrong side of the bed.  I don't know why it irritates me so for him to move at a glacial pace no matter what it is he's doing, but it drives me bonkers.  I try very hard not to be the constant "hurry up" parent, I rarely use that phrase.  However, I do think it's important to learn that there are time limits!  It shouldn't take 30 minutes to eat your bowl of cereal.  It shouldn't take 3 minutes to get a sip of water out of the running faucet after you brush your teeth.  I cannot stand for the water to run wasted.  I even fuss at M if he turns it on, then gets his toothbrush out, then puts the toothpaste on it, then gets it wet.  All the while, the water has been running (at full blast, because why just turn it on a little?).  Seriously!  Do all the other steps first, then get the stinking thing wet.  I guess I know where C gets it from. So, after his Daddy gave him more than ample time to get his drink (after having to fight with him to get his teeth brushed in the first place), he turned off the water.  Meltdown ensued.  It continued until I dropped him in the lunch room at preschool.  Let's all stop and pray for his teacher.

It was on the way to preschool that I realized I'd left my wedding rings in my jewelry box.  Since we currently live literally around the corner from the school, I swung back by the house to get my rings. As I was unlocking the door I felt something on my front.  My brain said, "please just be your necklace touching your skin."  Oh brain, if only.  Nope, it was a bug.  I don't know what kind, it doesn't stinking matter.  It was a bug.  He was immediately swatted and stomped to his death.

Thankfully, the rest of my trip to work and up to now has been uneventful.  Maybe the rest of my day will be a normal Tuesday.


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