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Media Blackout

First, it's been almost two weeks since my last post.  So sorry to all five of you, life's just been kinda crazy.

Is anyone else out there a How I Met Your Mother Fan?  No?  Get out.  No, but seriously, there's an episode I completed related to all day Saturday.  The gang has a tradition of watching the super bowl together and one year had to attend a funeral instead.  So, in order to preserve their tradition they declared an all-day media blackout the day after the super bowl and planned to watch the game together that evening.  The episode details the ups and downs of that endeavor.

I had my own media blackout on Saturday.  We painted baseboards and shoemolds, and got the kitchen cabinet boxes installed along with most of the trim.  So, it took us until about 7 to finish up.  I had the DVR going for the Bama game, chili in the crockpot, etc.  So, at 2 p.m. I declared the beginning of the blackout and spent the next five hours avoiding any contact outside of the three other people working on the house with me that day.  My mom was getting text and ESPN updates but knew she was bound to silence or risk her life.

Finally, at 7:30 I sat down with my bowl of chili and started the game.  It was awful, then awesome, then some more awful (SO NOT TARGETING), then some super awesome, then some minor heart attack stuff, then some finishing awesome.  I was finally able to start celebrating the victory around 10 p.m.  My celebration consisted of passing out cold in my bed.  You know what's hard?  Remembering not to scream at the TV because your son is already in bed.

We had a wonderful weekend, I'm so glad that fall is here!

Move-in date is in TWENTY-FIVE days.  Just pray, y'all, lots of praying.


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