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Hard workin'

Is it sad to be glad to come back to work on Monday just so you can sit down in a comfortable chair while the air conditioning keeps you at a reasonable temperature?  Yes, that is sad?  Well then, I'm sad.

I'll back up a little first.

You didn't hear from me on Thursday - you're welcome.  I promise it was better that way.  I would either have cried or killed you with one look, it was too hard to tell.

However, Thursday night was wonderful.  M and I went to parent orientation at C's new preschool and left knowing he was going to have a great year.  This will be the first time my baby has to  have a backpack, with his own snacks, and learning objectives, and, and, just pass me the tissues.  My baby is too big.

Friday I was in Hville for a CPE class which was about as exciting as you're imagining it was.  We had a wonderful evening at home eating a gourmet meal and watching a family movie.  No.  That's what normal people do.  I walked in the door from CPE around 5:30, M walked out the door to go work at the new house, and C and I lazily watched the Braves before going to bed.  It's been that routine pretty much every night for the last three weeks.  Poor M has been practically working two jobs, and the three of us haven't slowed down in I don't know when.

Saturday we embarked on the daunting task of laying laminate-hard woods downstairs at the new house.  I have never done this before, and neither has M.  Thankfully, D and Momma have experience in this area.  I feel certain that by the end I'll be leaving accounting for a new career as a "floor installation specialist".  If I begin to talk about that switch seriously, you have my permission to have me committed.  My knees hurt so badly.  The bones in and under my kneecaps may never be the same.  The muscles running from the back of my knees upwards had barely recovered from busting up the kitchen tile, and I feel certain that now they'll never stop hurting.  But do you know what?  I laid flooring.  Uh huh.  Me.  That's right.  I actually got pretty good at it too, measuring around thresholds, lining up patterns, using a square measuring thing-a-ma-bob.  It's a good thing I'm almost an expert because we'll be finished laying all this flooring circa 2016.  I kid.  But that's probably a close approximation of when my hamstrings will quit throbbing.

Sunday we went to my favorite place - Wal-Mart.  It was all for the kid.  He had to have all his school supplies for his new year.  We followed that up with a steak at Longhorns which turned out to be free because if you make me wait 55 minutes to get my food, and my steak is incredibly over cooked, and I'm on day two out of five, you're gonna hear about it.  I was nice, but clear in my message.  After the first twenty minutes, I was understanding.  I even fussed at M for getting antsy.  I wrote it off as "not been open extremely long and it's Sunday after church."  Then it was longer.  Then it was even longer.  Then the table that was sat at the same time we were left with their to-go boxes.  Then my steak was well-done.  There's only so much I can tolerate.  We'll go back, the food was good, and they were very accommodating.  I promise I wasn't ugly.

M dropped us off at home and went to cut grass at the house.  C settled in for a nap, and I spent the next hour drawing his first day of school sign.  I only re-did it about six times.  I managed to do some laundry, and watch the Braves embarrass the Marlins...again.  C went to church with his grandparents and M and I spent another almost three hours laying floors.

Do you understand why I needed a break from my weekend?

For what it's worth, the floors are looking great:

You know, just not clean.  Have a happy Monday!


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