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Hump Day

You have to say that like the camel in the commercial.

Yesterday on my way into work the weather person on the radio announced that the high would be 88, but it would feel like 97.  You know what that is?  A lot of humidity, a lot of wasted time on fixing hair that would look flat and lifeless at the end of the day.  Thankfully, I had my much needed hair appointment yesterday afternoon.  I got a fresh new color and cut, and I feel much better.  I know you guys don't understand how that happens.  It's ok, we don't really want you to understand because it's our party and you're not invited.

C is at the age where he can have me rolling in the floor with his humor.  The other night to encourage him to eat the main part of his meal, I would give him one chip for every bite he took of the good stuff.  Stop your judgment immediately; you do whatever works at this age.  At one point he had three chips on his plate, one large, one medium, one small.  He pointed to the large one and said, "That's Daddy."  He told me the medium one was Mommy (Thank goodness I wasn't the big one), and the littlest one was him.  I was impressed by his imagination, he learns so much at this age.  It was also just extremely cute...for a moment. While he's chomping down on the largest chip, I said, "No! You're eating Daddy!".  His reply, "I break his neck."  Is it odd to be frightened of your two year old?

I can narrow down the places where he would have picked up an understanding of doing bodily harm to another person.  Prime example of why he's starting at a new preschool next week.  It was either at daycare or watching wrestling with his Uncle J.  Lord knows he tried out plenty of WWE (get the "F" out!) moves on me during our childhoods.  We took the opportunity to talk about what the Bible says about being kind to one another, but I have a feeling it won't be the last time such a discussion is necessitated.

 Today marks one year ago that we put our house in South AL on the market.  It was with that decision that we made an actual commitment to the plan of moving back north.  It was truly difficult to trust that things would work out, that we were doing what we were supposed to do. You try so hard to tune-in to God's voice and direction, learning to trust Him with it all.  When you're making decisions that involve not just you, but your spouse, your child, it's difficult.  M has now moved twice for my career, and I feared he might start to resent me.  It was a challenge for me to sit back, pray, and trust that God would give him the same vision that He had given me.  M is a stubborn man, and I knew that if I lectured, and presented, and pleaded my case, he would dig his heels in.  Thankfully, I was able to "let go and let God" (please forgive me for that awful cliché).

I don't think we could be any happier with the way things turned out.  God lined up the dominoes in an intricate pattern that only He could foresee and understand, and when His time was just right they all fell according to their purpose.  I'm so glad to live in His embrace.

Y'all have a great Hump Day!


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