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How did it get to be 8/20?

Seriously, where has the time gone?  Wasn't it just Memorial Day?  I have to start thinking about Halloween costumes?  Why didn't I learn to sew!!??  I seriously have to start buying candy every week from now until then.  Apparently Halloween in our new neighborhood is to little kids what Black Friday is to adults.  I've heard of numbers exceeding 700.  SEVEN HUNDRED KIDS.  I don't even understand that.  Then, you gotta turn around and cook turkey.  Then, it's Christmas.  If you've waited until after Thanksgiving to start shopping, well you might as well go ahead and get your name on the waiting list for the Betty Ford Clinic.  Making the list, shopping the sales, fighting the crowds, perfectly wrapping the presents in matching paper, it WILL drive you insane.  But hey, it's only the 3rd week of August, we've got time.

Your home remodel update (and I promise it'll be brief), the floors are coming along, and we're working steadily on all projects.

I will share a funny/terrifying moment that happened this morning.  We converted C's crib to the toddler bed several months ago.  It doesn't have a built-in rail on the front, so we put one of those on that will fold up and down to keep him from falling out of the bed.  I think that for a few months he didn't even grasp the concept of escape.  He never even tried it, I was so thankful.  Gradually, and rarely, he might get out of the bed during nap time.  Jail break just wasn't his tactic.  If he wanted to avoid sleeping, he just employed the other old-age technique of "I need".  I need one more drink, I need one more kiss, I need my Donald (Duck), I need to sit on the couch and snuggle.

When my first alarm went off this morning at 5 in the ungodly a.m., I wasn't quite prepared to face the world and so decided that I'd brave the day when the second alarm went off at 5:30 in the less ungodly a.m.  When the time dawned to rise and don't even ask me to shine, I thought I heard a noise.  Being unsure, I asked the sleeping bear next to me to identify its origins.  He mumbled something about the bathroom faucet, and then I heard a second noise that definitely came from a bathroom.  I got a "see it's just the bathroom" confirmation from Grizzly Adams, and so I got out of bed.  Without putting on my glasses or turning on a light, I started to make my way to the bathroom.  As I rounded the foot of the bed, I noticed a three foot, pants down figure in the dark.  Thankfully, the good Lord grabbed my mind, and I exclaimed, "Oh gracious, baby you scared me", instead of my customary four-letter response to being scared out of my mind.

My growny boy simply responded, "I went pee-pee."  That angel had gotten out of bed, gone to bathroom (in the pitch dark), used his Elmo potty, and was coming to proclaim his conquest.  After getting his clothes back on, I got him back into his bed, where he returned to REM sleep immediately.  And so it was with racing heart that I realized we've crossed the threshold where we are no longer getting up in the middle of the night to feed a crying baby, but rather we're going to be abruptly called from sleep at random times in the wee hours to a pantless child standing in our bedroom like some scene from a horror film.  I'm not sure which is worse.  I do know we need to buy a night-light.


  1. The Bottom Story is one of the funniest things I've ever heard! I wish I could have seen your face!


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