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Dash of this, dash of that.

I know I've been sparse the last few days, what with jet setting all over the southeast and figuring out how much money it's going to cost us to do the renovations on the house.  Let me just tell you, dwelling on the last part has left me mortified.  Yes, it's truly exciting to get a new kitchen, floors, lighting, etc., but geez that stuff gets pricey. 

We happened upon another money gem when we went by the house last night to take a few measurements and discovered the downstairs A/C was blowing hot air.  Nice.  Since the house was a foreclosure, we have no idea exactly how old either A/C units are (there is a small unit for the two upstairs bedrooms).  There is a sticker on the big unit that says "2001-005", so I'm hoping that's an indication of age.  Twelve years is an older unit, but at least it's not twenty.  And, as you would suspect with a foreclosure, it's been sitting empty for some time.  We're praying it's a small issue, and not a fork-out-every-last-dollar-you-have-say-goodbye-to-your-new-kitchen-and-hello-to-your-new-A/C kind of repair.

Onto other things.  Does anyone else have a twice daily battle with their child over brushing teeth?  Mr. Independent likes to do it himself.  So, I fix the tooth brush, look him in the eye, and say "brush your teeth". He takes the toothbrush, cuts his eyes at me, and sits.  I remind him that if he doesn't do it, I'll hold him down and do it for him.  I reach for the brush, he jerks his arm out of reach, and he says "I do it".  Lather, rinse, repeat.  Finally, I take away the toothbrush, pick up the screaming and kicking child, pin him on the bed, and brush his teeth through the crying and screaming.  You'd be surprised to know it's actually easier to brush them when he's screaming because at least his mouth is opened wide.  Now, there are some times that are smoother than others.  Matt and I have decided we're not doing the back and forth game anymore.  You have one opportunity to do what I asked you to, that's all. 

I've always thought I'd be the kind of parent who didn't let their child control the situation/household.  You'd be surprised what you'll do just to keep them from screaming.  This is especially true with the master bedroom/bathroom shares a wall with the next door neighbor.  Cohen has yet to realize that in a few short months, we'll be in the new house where no one can hear him screaming at the injustice of having parents who insist on silly things like good dental hygiene.

I hope you all have a happy 4th of July with your families!  Remember why we left England in the first place - freedom from tyranny.  It may be past time for a new revolution.



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