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Changes, they are a comin'

Shew wee.  That's all I can say about the last couple of weeks!  I know you all have missed me.  I too, have missed all three of you. Truthfully, I was going through a ferocious deadline at work which caused me to slack on my blogging and fit lifestyle.

I'll be honest, I wasn't crazy about how my pants fit when I put them on this morning.  I went to work out yesterday, but decided to delay my weigh-in until today.  Monday's are bad enough all on their own without that scale mocking me.

I want to update you all on what's been going on, but first, a little housekeeping.  You'll notice the name of the blog has been shortened to "the Journey".  I still intend to write about my journey to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, but I also wanted to use this blog as a tool to exercise my creative and writing muscles, and so I don't want to be limited to one subject.  I want to write about all my journeys, whether it be life with a toddler, re-modeling our new house, having another baby (no, I'm not pregnant), marital bliss, or the like.  So, now that I've expanded the base from which to draw material, I hope to make my writing an almost daily activity.

I did manage to do some in and out of gym exercise over the last couple of weeks, but not nearly what would be considered a fine effort towards weight loss.  I was reminded during a walk at Diebert of a fundamental truth: walking with a toddler in a stroller out in the heat is way different than walking without one.  It was my day to pick up Cohen, so I decided I would take him with me on my walk. It didn't take me long to remember how heavy a toddler-filled stroller can be.  Several years ago when I was a carefree college student with a part-time job, I went walking with a group of mom's from church and their babies on a few occasions.  One of my dear friends had three small children at the time, and so, since I had no stroller to push, I usually pushed one of hers.  I remember being surprised then at the difference such a tiny person could make to my workout.  On this day with Cohen, I was forcefully reminded.

I willed my legs to keep going, I just knew we were covering a lot of ground.  When I saw the distance marker on the trail a short way ahead, I knew in my heart it would confirm that I had traveled at least .75 miles.  Do you know what that trail marker had the audacity to say to me?  I had to rub my eyes to be sure, .25 miles.  Are you kidding me?  Did it know how heavy this kid was?  Did it know that this was a regular stroller and not a fancy jogging stroller designed to make this task easier?  No, I was doing it the old-fashioned way?  That trail marker mocked me.

We did make it .75 miles eventually, and a little more. We also fed the geese, and had great Mommy/son time.  Anyone have a free jogging stroller?  I kid.

A while back I asked for some recommendations on energy supplements.  I will say that I've been taking B6 and a woman's multivitamin daily and I can tell an extreme difference.  Matt and I decided to quit going to bed so early, and I can say that when 10:30 rolls around most nights, I still have some energy left.  Before, I was out cold by 9:05.

Thank you all for your love and support!


  1. Let me tell you what a Nashville doctor told me about vitamins. I would NEVER have guessed this. He said that I should take two FLINSTONES vitamins a day! This is his reasoning:

    1. They are chewable, so they start getting into your system immediately
    2. Most people think children's vitamins don't have "enough" in them; however, the opposite is true. Because children are growing and need more, children's vitamins have a lot of important vitamins in them, and a good amount of them.
    3. Most adult vitamins are "hard" and recently tests were done (I don't even want to think about how they did this!) and it turns out that many people who take the adult vitamins don't get the benefit because they "come out whole"--they are so hard, they don't always break down, or don't fully break down.

    1. I would never have thought that! The B6 is soft, but I might switch to the Flinstones for my other. Wonder if I can grind up the adult version for better absorption?

    2. I take Flintsones, too!

  2. I always enjoy your posts! They're witty and honest. Keep up the hard work, you're doing a great job!

    1. You are too sweet! Maybe we'll be running friends one day.

  3. So, I must have made the top 3 of your readers! Woohoo! I enjoy reading your blog very much! Keeps me motivated. I started drinking Shakeology for energy and I LOVE IT! It gives me 100% of the fruits and veggies you need for the day so you stay energized. I eat clean too which really helps. I, like you, am wiped out by 9pm, but I try to go ahead and go to bed since I attempt to get up early. Attempt. Keep up with the blog, I enjoy reading your progress. It sounds awfully familiar.

    1. Or I guess I'm technically 4th. :( Oh well.

    2. Thank you so much for your encouragement! I haven't looked into the Shakeology stuff, I'm concerned that most of those type things are fairly expensive.

  4. Hey you have more readers than you give yourself credit for. :) I too enjoy reading your blog.


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