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From another world

I'm actually writing this from a local coffee shop on my smart phone.  I feel so modern. Is this what George Jetson envisioned when he created the Internet? I kid, I know the aliens made the internet right after they finished the pyramids.
Can I just brag a second on how awesome my God is? When Matt and I sold our Daphne house earlier this year, we ended up taking about $1,500 more to the closing than we had been told originally (we don't know how to sell a house and make money). Well, tomorrow we close on a new house and our final, approved HUD came back.  We are going to be writing a check for $1,500 less than we were told originally.  My creator is faithful. 
I'm still a little hesitant to actually get the cashier's check for tomorrow's closing,  and I have good reason to be gun shy.  When we bought the house (built) in Daphne,  we spent the 7 months it was being constructed saving for closing, etc.  When we got the low, incorrect closing statement I did what any responsible person would do and examined every line for the obvious discrepancy (they left off the $2000 prepaid homeowners insurance premium). At least if I had been smart that's what I would have done. Instead, I went shopping for a new fridge for our brand new house. I actually ordered one. Brilliant.  When we got to closing, and the closing office realized the mistake, I was devastated.  I had to make the walk of shame back to Home Depot to cancel the order for the fridge I couldn't actually afford. I think I was mostly devastated by my rash stupidity. If I had sought counsel with Christ on what to do with my temporary abundance of cash, I know in my heart the answer would have been a deafening "wait". I know the long answer would have been, "if you'll wait for Me to do what I want to in your life instead of trying to do it yourself,  I'll provide in ways you can't see or understand". Of course, He did provide,  He continues to provide.
The delightfully lower HUD for tomorrow's closing contains no omissions.  It has been reviewed by seven sets of eyes. I'm not sure what changed between the GFE and closing other than a little heavenly intervening on my behalf. There are a ton of projects to tackle in this house, but I'll be holding on to the wisdom of the "black side by side refrigerator parable" to remind me that sometimes the best course of action is to simply wait.
(Edited to add proper line spacing between paragraphs which apparently doesn't happen when you post via the smart phone.  Also, numerous spelling corrections since I still haven't mastered typing on a smart phone keyboard.  The aliens would be so upset to know of these deficiencies, especially after the heart-wrenching defeat Will Smith dealt them in Independence Day.)


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