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It should be fascinating...

That may have been a slight oversell.  Truthfully, I just afraid all five of you may find something better to do with your time if I don't churn out Pulitzer material over here in blogging land.

Here's the problem.  Finding time to work out and run.  See, I spent the first few weeks of this journey dedicated to visiting Curves at least three times a week.  You know what happened?  I saw results?  Do you know what happened next? I started convincing myself that I could "skip" days.  Boo Katye.  Bad Katye.  The lbs. are not coming off at a pace that I would be pleased with.  Truthfully, they're barely coming off at all.  It may seriously take until Cohen goes to college for me to become healthy and fit.

So help me, it will happen. I feel like the key missing ingredient is the walking/running.  Finding time to do that activity.  On a consistent basis.  The dieticians at Curves recommend 10,000 steps a day.  Seriously?  I sit behind a desk for a living.  I park at the far end of the parking lot on days I have on comfortable shoes just to get in a couple hundred extra steps.  Seriously, 10,000.  They sell pedometers for $8 at Curves, and the only reason I haven't bought one is that I'm sure to be depressed when I barely reach 1/10 of the recommended daily steps.  I do know that it's got be a part of the package. 

That may mean sacrificing of things like sleep, but it has to happen.  Our current neighborhood has hills inclining somewhere around straight up and down, so it's a little intimidating.  Sure, I can get up at 4:30 (really only 45 minutes earlier than I get up now!) and walk/run around the neighborhood, but some frat kid coming out of his townhouse barely awake for his 9:00 class might find my lifeless body on the curb a disturbing sight.  Better yet, he'd be too sleepy to notice and would run me over before seeing me. Thank you for putting me out of my misery, now pull up your pants.

The other problem?  Energy. Spark is great stuff, don't get me wrong, but it's too expensive.  That combined with my sensitivity to sodium put it out of the question.  What do you all recommend to increase energy?  Is there a vitamin regime I'm missing out on?  Seriously, because I fell asleep last night at 9:20 sitting straight up in my bed watching the Braves game.  It's pathetic.  I thought exercise should give you increased energy?  Didn't I read that somewhere?

Much love-



  1. You may need B12. Sitting all day at work is going to make you tired and it makes it challenging getting in all your steps. I would say go ahead and get the pedometer just so you can figure out exactly how many steps per day you are taking. Maybe not do it everyday, but just to get an average. You could possibly take walks with your hubs and/or with your child after work. Starting a new routine is the most difficult thing, next is sticking with it and not justifying why you deserve to take a break. I would say make a plan to walk (for example) Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday and you just do it. :)

    1. Thank you anonymous friend! I know, I've been scared to embrace the pedometer, but when you're right, you're right! I have an after-dinner walk in the mix for tonight. I'm just going to have to embrace the hills of the neighborhood and know that the extra burn just means leaner looking thighs!


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