Matt asked me over the weekend what my goal was. It's a fair question and one I'd expect. I sat and pondered for a minute realizing that when I sat down with my coach for the initial meeting, and even before that, I'd set no numerical goal. No number of pounds to go, BMI goal, inches shed, nothing. The best answer I could give Matt was: commitment. My goal is commitment. The plan is for six months. I want to do six months. I want to finish the journey and know that I did what I was supposed to do, I ate the way I was supposed to, I did the exercise program, I followed the rules. If the weight comes off, then I re-enlist and do another six months to lose the rest. If the weight doesn't come off, then I know there's likely a genetic issue that needs to be researched and resolved.
I will rest in the satisfaction of commitment rather than the number flashing on the scale.
Oh, and huge shout-out for all the reads and comments of encouragement and support - you people rock.
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