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Showing posts from May, 2013

Still here!

No worries, my people!  I am still working towards my goals, it's just been one of those weeks with too much going on and no real way to recap it all into a succinct blog entry regarding anything "fit". Matt and I did map out a 1 mile walking route in our current neighborhood, which did I mention has portions that go STRAIGHT UP AND DOWN.  So, he and I have been adding that to our regular routine. I will mention that you should all send prayers of patience our way this weekend. We're potty training. Like for real. Lord, please help me. I'll be back next week! Enjoy your holiday.

Pita! Pita!

Just picture the Little Ceaser character of yore when saying that. Had an official weigh-in/measure yesterday.  To date I am down 7.8 pounds and 17 inches.  I just wish I could get the lbs to drop at the same rate as the inches.  I'm hoping the increased walking/jogging will help.  I did do a double yesterday, Curves then walking/jogging.  There was a gentleman who passed me on the trail who sounded like an emphysema patient while jogging.  I seriously thought I might have to revive him should he topple over from the exertion.  I was also slightly ashamed that my jogging was barely faster than speed walking given this man's commitment to exercise at his own peril.  I did manage to stay up until 10:30 last night watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S, so in the end I'm really the winner. Roast Beef Pitas For 2 servings 8 oz. Roast beef - I used sandwich meat 4 tbls. crumbled feta cheese 1 cup spinach, arugula, or a mix of both 1 large red onion, sliced, ...

It should be fascinating...

That may have been a slight oversell.  Truthfully, I just afraid all five of you may find something better to do with your time if I don't churn out Pulitzer material over here in blogging land. Here's the problem.  Finding time to work out and run.  See, I spent the first few weeks of this journey dedicated to visiting Curves at least three times a week.  You know what happened?  I saw results?  Do you know what happened next? I started convincing myself that I could "skip" days.  Boo Katye.  Bad Katye.  The lbs. are not coming off at a pace that I would be pleased with.  Truthfully, they're barely coming off at all.  It may seriously take until Cohen goes to college for me to become healthy and fit. So help me, it will happen. I feel like the key missing ingredient is the walking/running.  Finding time to do that activity.  On a consistent basis.  The dieticians at Curves recommend 10,000 steps a day.  Seri...

Down Memory Ln.

As part of our "thanks for the awesome tax season" reward, each employee in the firm got a glass star filled with Hershey Kisses.  The star is capped with a cork and a piece of packing tape.  My star still retains all it's original packaging and has sat on the corner of my desk, untouched, since April 15.  It made a move a few days ago when a partner was in my office.  He couldn't believe my self control and moved the star out of sight (behind my computer screen) to keep me from being tempted.  Should I have a breakdown and eat every last piece, the 12 inches it has traveled probably won't stop me. It did bring back some childhood memories.  My Maw-Maw keeps Hershey Kisses in at least two places in her house.  The problem was she kept them in scalloped crystal bowls with matching lids.  I have attempted many a Mission Impossible style recon adventures trying to remove the lid from that crystal bowl without making a single, solitary noise so that...

back to reality

I may chose not to have an official weigh-in this week after the marvelous vacation Matt and I enjoyed in Atlanta.  Really, it was probably 50/50 between good food/bad food over the weekend culminating in a deep-fried foot-long hotdog at the ballpark - Yum.  I was reminded that if your body becomes accustomed to eating a certain healthy diet and then you suddenly throw in crap, it will likely punish you for the deviation.  Combine that will the vast amounts of walking we did, and I'm back even with last week on the scale. Matt and I both got new running shoes over the weekend.  We're going to attempt to walk/run together without killing each other.  Ha. -Katye

insert title here

I know, I know, three posts in two days?  Does she think we really like her that much?  I know you do, so it's ok. I pulled a double yesterday, worked out at Curves and  did the outermost loop at Deibert Park.  Don't be sad I didn't invite any of you, it was spontaneous.  Truthfully, I'm going to start walking there once a week with a friend, and I needed to make sure I could do at least 1/4 of it without dying.  This post is a testament to my survival.  Either that or I'm writing this posthumously, in which case you're all wondering where you put that copy of "Zombie Apocalypse Survival 101" you got as a dirty Santa gift.  No, I survived just fine.  Better than that, I actually did some running. Read it again, it wasn't a typo.  Now, this wasn't Usain Bolt running, but more like Forest Gump trying to break free of his leg braces in that iconic scene.  Sorta like this:  (It's an oldie, but a goodie.) Let me clarify th...

A picture says a thousand words

and I'll add a thousand more.  It's my blog, I can do what I like. Do you know what one of the most frustrating things about being young and overweight is?  Finding shorts.  Seriously.  They're usually either knee-length and social security approved, or so short and tight that nothing is left to the imagination. I've been looking for shorts for weeks. Old Navy online women's plus is a good option. I just really wanted to try them on before ordering and the price was kinda high.  I've looked on every website I could think of, in every store, etc. etc.  I have one pair of Lane Bryant jean shorts from last year that I like, and that really wasn't going to cut it for me. Do you know where I bought 3 pairs of shorts this weekend?  For less than $17 a pair?  Wal-Mart.  I might not normally admit it, but they're cute, and the perfect length for a 26-ish (still in denial) wife and mother.  I got seer sucker, light pink, and dark khaki....

Fish Tacos

Get your mind out of the gutter, it's a recipe. Fish Tacos Some fish - I know, I'll explain Corn tortillas 1 avocado 1/2 - 3/4 cups prepared salsa 1 bell pepper, sliced/diced - whatever 1/2 - 3/4 cup red onion, sliced/diced - whatever 1 lemon 1 jalapeno, diced garlic powder onion powder cumin coriander cayenne ole bay seasoning olive oil butter Could I give worse ingredient lists?  Probably, yes.  That's why I'm going to walk you through it.  I did just realize I left the red onion off my taco last night, so I'm kinda sad. First you take the 'mallow, wait wrong recipe.  If you can name the movie, you should be friends with my husband. Ok, really we're going to make some guacamole first.  I LOVE GUACAMOLE.  It's kinda up there with BBQ.  So, we're serious.  Now, I have a better guac recipe that I'll give at another time.  This was a week night, I'd worked and been to Curves, so I was going for easy. Guacamol...