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Showing posts from September, 2013

the Calendar had it wrong

I know that when I checked my email, my Facebook, my phone, my text messages, my work email, and my work calendar that they all say today is Tuesday.  However, based on the first three hours of my morning, I declare them all to be wrong.  I must attest, it has certainly been Monday so far. I woke up exhausted.  That really shouldn't happen.  I don't know if it's allergies, the impending move, fall tax season, or something else.  I'm just tired.  That thing that some of you are thinking it is, it's not.  She came last week. The morning can only get better when your two year old wakes up on the wrong side of the bed.  I don't know why it irritates me so for him to move at a glacial pace no matter what it is he's doing, but it drives me bonkers .  I try very hard not to be the constant "hurry up" parent, I rarely use that phrase.  However, I do think it's important to learn that there are time limits!  It shouldn't take 30 minutes ...

Media Blackout

First, it's been almost two weeks since my last post.  So sorry to all five of you, life's just been kinda crazy. Is anyone else out there a How I Met Your Mother Fan?  No?  Get out.  No, but seriously, there's an episode I completed related to all day Saturday.  The gang has a tradition of watching the super bowl together and one year had to attend a funeral instead.  So, in order to preserve their tradition they declared an all-day media blackout the day after the super bowl and planned to watch the game together that evening.  The episode details the ups and downs of that endeavor. I had my own media blackout on Saturday.  We painted baseboards and shoemolds, and got the kitchen cabinet boxes installed along with most of the trim.  So, it took us until about 7 to finish up.  I had the DVR going for the Bama game, chili in the crockpot, etc.  So, at 2 p.m. I declared the beginning of the blackout and spent the next five hours ...

Celebrities, football, and a lot of "laboring"

Our area got some really great news last week.  There's a new music venue that has opened up downtown with the purpose of providing a great place for local and outside talent to perform.  We have a grand history in music, but currently no great place for that music to be heard.  Thanks to some great people, we now have that place.  Friday night they held a free concert of some up-and-coming talent, and M and I jumped on the chance for a *free* date night.  Actually, it turned out to be fairly expensive because after a long and hard day at work Friday, I drowned my sorrows in the sales racks at Belk.  It was all in the name of needing something cute to wear on our date.  I saved more that what I spent.  You'd be surprised how little comfort that provided to M.  Nonetheless, I looked great for our date.  There were a couple of opening acts, one was awesome, and the main show was wonderful. I should mention that one of the people respons...